Tuesday, March 24, 2009

weather changes moods

Arrghh. This weather is really taking a toll as we just can't seem to break out of the cold and I'm hoping for some type of global warming around here. No pick-up basketball this winter isn't helping and I'm trying to get inspired.

The major record producers have jumped on the vinyl trend and lots of reasonably priced represses are coming out. I recently got The Pixies, Offspring, Pavement but this trend has some collectors worried. To me, it doesn't matter because someone who didn't want to pay for a rarer first press really wasn't in the game anyway. Like everyone else I have cut my spending and taking more trips to local record stores and picked up some pretty good scores.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

generational theft

To say that the new administration has let me down would be an understatement. The excuses are easy to see thru and every time a political solution is proposed, people who work are forced to pull more money out of their wallet. Clearly BO's lack of executive experience and never having to meet payroll are hurting this country. His agenda driven cronies, no matter what the cost, will sell us out to somehow get re-elected or stay in power.

I'm trying to be kind but every day there's another executive order, bypassing the other two branches of government, that spends more taxpayer money to fund a pet project. This guy needs to be watched closely because perception here is he has no clue how to be a leader.

My point: The debt proposed for our children is criminal and government spending will not solve any of the endless problems that it has created by enabling criminals to control our tax money. This is a Generational Theft by the Boomers.